Zebra11 Device

  • Last Post 09 January 2019
alohalaoha posted this 04 November 2018

The same principle for generating Free Energy from the Ether have been used by Gradusov Vladimir aka Zebra11. He is not Russian EE but Radio man. Now is a pensioner but actively work on FreeEnergy devices.

Vladimir Short-Circuiting and his "Know How ?"

He used Shot-Circuited energized coil. This time he is short-circuiting AC sourcse via MOSFET in Full Wave Rectifier Bidge. Role of MOSFET is fast and high conductive switch. Switch is short circuiting sine 50Hz waveform with the frequency of coil which stand after two serial capacitors (Master Oscillator Coil). Any freq. from 100KHz-500KHz could be used for switching the MOSFET. That master oscillator coil he was named Resonator. On this way short-circuited AC power transformer suck Etheric energy to resonator due to cancelationof  two opposite E-fileds while auto create Magnetic Resonance - Magnetic Whirl.

Magnetic resoqnnce is a process of creating scalar magnetic whirl (field) which is a parent of cold currents in form of strong radial shock waves. Bifilar catch this Magnetic Whirl formed in resonator coil and make energy transformation. Cold current shock waves make hyper fast electron's spin resonance (rotation at their respective own places) in copper crystal lattice of Bifilar. To direct high electron mobility conducting current to the load experienced experimenter should boost potential (rise voltage) in bifilar coil while break electron lattice position treshold occure.

Powerful stream of high mobility conducting electrons automatically run to the load, with very high kinetic energy state and reavalanche all electrons on their path , triggering additional avalanche coorent boost (avalanche rush current). Proces is similar like macro creation of Ocean killer wave/s. This system mast be controlled for excesive energy (current) output. This was done with correct adjusting Skvaznost (Skvaznost is a reciprocial od duty cycle S = 1/D) and frequency of switching. In his BTG device bifilar play important a role as a Radiant Energy Converter (Tesla's term) or simple saying Current Booster and Kinetic Transformer. It work as Cold-> Hot current kinetic converter and a power source with very low output impendance, supplying 220v:12v AC inverter and variable pulse and skvaznost cycle generator with MOSFET driver. Circuit once looped oneselfs,free run untill all conditions were meet. He told that Etheric Magneto-Resonance process has been involved in his real device.

One of crucial things is a bifilar must be wounded in Phi Golden section ratio, keepeing the natural Etheric flow through this ratio.

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alohalaoha posted this 09 January 2019

Important Info for Coil Shortings Researchers !!

Chip has open new Skype conference group at 6. January 2019. He would start working conference at 1 February 2019.

join.skype.com/mmdMk1yAWX1R - Skype group by Chip.

Seems he is ready to put some his private secret info in public. Will see !!



alohalaoha posted this 25 December 2018

Chip video - Earth Ground boost current in grenade - asymetric partnered coil


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  • Chris
  • Aetherholic
alohalaoha posted this 15 December 2018

Hi Aloha, The device in the videos is the same that you have posted the schematic diagram in the beginning of the thread?

Hi Vidura

Original design of coils shorting belongs to Chip. Above schematic is Zebra11. His modification. Chip never published complete schematic. Main stuff here is so called resonator. No one have details about, but you can suppose he was using some partnered bucking configuration. As you can see in Chip's videos there is very high current amplification, so high to easy melt the nails. I think he has got success. He probably have self runner in his lab.


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  • Aetherholic
Vidura posted this 14 December 2018

Hi Aloha, The device in the videos is the same that you have posted the schematic diagram in the beginning of the thread?

alohalaoha posted this 14 December 2018

Chip melting nails with his device !

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  • Vidura
alohalaoha posted this 10 November 2018

In the topic about short-circuiting (coil-shortening) Tesla's bifilar coils, recent work one of greatest Tesla followers in the present times - inventor Ismel Aviso. Maybe help further understanding Tesla's technology of short-circuiting.

1.) Ismael Aviso motor BREAKTHROUGH run BIG AC 25Hp motor without AC Переведено.flv 35,1 МБ


2.) Ismael Aviso Big BREAKTHROUGH to run a big 25Hp motor almost no battery with validation.flv 78,6 МБ


Good luck to all




alohalaoha posted this 10 November 2018

My small gift for all members of Chris forum

Worth very careful reading


  NIKOLAI TESLA - Electrical Experimenter Magazines with many Tesla's life talk 100 years old


Best regards to all

Good Luck

Vidura posted this 09 November 2018

That is good and detailed information aloha.Seems to be similar to the bigger Devices from Ruslan and Akula. For the moment I will not do a replication, as I have some projects on the run, which I want to complete first, but I hope that someone else has time and possibly to built it and share. Thanks again Vidura.

  • Liked by
  • Chris
  • alohalaoha
alohalaoha posted this 09 November 2018

Thank you Chris.

Now we need source all parts make experiments and analyse data. I feel we are very very close to the FE breakthrough !!

Take care and good luck

Best regards


  • Liked by
  • Chris
  • cd_sharp
Chris posted this 08 November 2018

Chris if not a problem just change the name to Zebra11 Device. Thank you !

Done my Friend wink

Thanks for sharing excellent info!


alohalaoha posted this 08 November 2018

Explanation of above sch.

T1 - Low power LF transformer. Input 230V eff / output 24 V eff. Power up to 100 Wt.

L1 = Magnetic resonator coil. Wound on 5cm plastic tube, in CW direction, wire diameter 0,8 - 1,2 mm, lenght of coil is 50cm.

L2 and L3  =Tesla's non inductive bifilar in strange configuration.

L2 . His first layer was wounded in CW direction with wire diameter from 2,5-6mm. His lenght must cover 1:1 Magnetic resonator coil. So it would be 50 cm. Now meassure 1st layer inducance and also exact lenght of wounded wire over resonator. Continue windinmg 2nd layer in CW direction over the first layer untill the last was completely covered. Remain wire dont cut but continue winding 3rd layer in CW direction untill the half of previous layer, then sudden change direction to CCW and continue winding other half in same CCW direction untill the end of previous layer. Now meassure inductance od L2. It inductance should be 1,618 x Inductance of 1st layer. If its not a case rewind 3rd layer until correct 1,618 x  inductance of 1st layer was achived. 2nd layer wire lenght is 1,618 x lenght of 1st layer.

Put this coil configuration including low power LF transformer in HV static field of Katcher. In the visinity of Katcher Secondary , not so close but also not so distant.

For bifilar winding make cardboard tube frame about 1-2 mm thick and wrap with several layers of transparent scotch tape.

The transistor should be switched exactly at resonant frequency of magnetic resonator.

Thats all

Good luck

alohalaoha posted this 08 November 2018

Hi all

Chris if not a problem just change the name to Zebra11 Device. Thank you !


OK some more details

alohalaoha posted this 05 November 2018

Hi aloha, Indeed a very interesting circuit, it would deserve a dedicated thread. Do you have information about the transformer construction details, turns , direction and so on? How is it backlooped, the connections of the inverter, is a battery needed or do it run from 220 and the rectangle is a stepdown transformer? The principle of the coilshortening on the resonator seems to produce a huge difference in inductance at a high rate of change , which will give rise to a parametric transformer operation. It would be interesting to try to replicate such a device. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Vidura
Yes, i have some informations about construction details, but i don't know does there exist real BTG device. Everything important was covered with secrets.
In fact, i am looking for the principle, how it work and does it work as it need.
But there are some interesting details with have joint connection points with other types of BTG devies. The idea of short circuiting devices had came from Tesla more than 100 years ago. Tesla was the first person which has involved with such impulse technology. He had used magnetic quench spark gap instead modern IGBT and MOSFETs. I think many if not all of his patents were redrawn by US. patent office which is one more branch of Banksters bussines. They took ideas for little cash and put the crucial free energy patents in undergound vaults for example one under small town Sausalito near San Francisco. Only military and shadow US.gov. use it for their needs. The very same situation is all over the world. FE technologies are number 1.Taboo. as you already know.
I can give you all details which i know so you can find out does this BTG device work or not.

Vidura posted this 05 November 2018

Hi aloha, Indeed a very interesting circuit, it would deserve a dedicated thread. Do you have information about the transformer construction details, turns , direction and so on? How is it backlooped, the connections of the inverter, is a battery needed or do it run from 220 and the rectangle is a stepdown transformer? The principle of the coilshortening on the resonator seems to produce a huge difference in inductance at a high rate of change , which will give rise to a parametric transformer operation. It would be interesting to try to replicate such a device. Thanks for sharing.

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