Increasing the Rate of Kinetic Energy

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  • Last Post 04 September 2018
Chris posted this 08 April 2018

My Friends, I have shown in my Thread: Some Coils Buck and Some Coils DONT that I can change the Rate of Kinetic Energy at no extra cost at the Source - A huge deal for anyone that knows Science!

I have seen very little interest in this topic, and I am dismayed to be honest as the possibilities moving forward are not just astounding, but World Changing!

So what is Kinetic Energy and why did Nikola Tesla make such a big deal about it?

The definition of Kinetic Energy is:

In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes.

Newtons Laws of Motion: F = m · a

Kinetic Energy is Current, Charge in Motion! This is the ability to do Work! What is Work?

The Definition of Work is:

in physics, measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement.

Newtons Laws of Motion: S = V · δt

Displacement (S) is equal to the Velocity (V times the change in Time (t)), normally in Meters per second.

Torque is where real Horse Power is noticed today, the definition for Torque is:

a force that tends to cause rotation.

Newtons Laws of Motion: T = F · r · sin( θ )

The unit for Torque is newton metre (N⋅m) or the unit joule per radian. The unit newton metre is denoted by N⋅m or N m.

So you can see we are seeing real Horse power now, Newton Meter, or Joule per Radian, Watts is also a measure of Force, the definition of Joule is

A unit of work or energy, equal to the work done by a force of one newton when its point of application moves one metre in the direction of action of the force, equivalent to one 3600th of a watt-hour.

The Joule (J) is equal to the energy transferred to (or work done on) an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of its motion through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre or N⋅m).

From Newtons Laws of Motion we see most of our common Units of Energy Derived!

One Joule (J) is equal to one Watt Second (W) which is the Product of Voltage and Current V · I = W, and if sinusoidal wave forms have a Phase Angle greater than Zero, then a cos( θ ) adjustment will be required.

Simply put, more V · I = more Joules, more Energy, more Work, more Force, more Torque, because we are increasing the Rate of Kinetic Energy which directly relates to Current, the Motion of Charge and to increase I even further, we can very easily increase V because I = V / R and the Resistance of the Wire will be negligible, to zero, due to my already shown Zero Impedance Effect (P.14 Guidelines to Bucking Coils).


I plan to release a lot more, but you need to show that you have replicated and understood, recommended and my existing works:



When I see people have caught up and are actively sharing their work with others, I will also share more and give more data.


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Marathonman posted this 04 September 2018

The most important overlooked aspect is the pressure between the two fields. if you double the pressure between them you increase the output 4 times as it is the square of the two intensities. this specific is being overlooked in the Figuera device also with many replicators failing to get an output.

increase the pressure, increase the Electric field, increase the output.

Did you hear what i just said, "PRESSURE" all electrical systems are pressure related. draw current from a generator causes the regulator to send more pressure to the excitors to increase the pressure in the output and the load. 

From Sir Richard Feynman, the worlds greatest Physicist:

this is a matter of opinion as i prefer D B Larsen hands down all day long. the silent unsung hero type that got passed up for smoke and mirror type.



Chris posted this 04 September 2018

Hi P,

All are welcome, but we have a very tough Troll policy! Big Red Button sort of thing. Most all of us are sick and tired of Trolls and we will not tolerate them any more!

I do believe we have largely changed the Trolling BS for the better! People are safe here! After all, how does a Troll Troll a Troll? Only on the other forums!

I had to ask! I hope you don't mind.


p75213 posted this 04 September 2018

Hi P, 

I think you missed the fact that a changing Magnetic Field IS an Electric Field? 

From Sir Richard Feynman, the worlds greatest Physicist:


P, I have to ask, have you used another name, specifically: Milehigh?


I realize that a changing magnetic field is an electric field . That's how induction works.

I have used another name but it's not Milehigh and not on this forum.

Chris posted this 04 September 2018

Marathonman is correct!

I quote:

If the directions of the two signals are such that opposite H-fields cancel and E-fields add, an apparently steady E-field will be created. The energy density of the fields remain as calculated above, but the value of the E-field will double from E / 2 to .E


I have also shown, exactly how this works:



You can see, technically, the Magnetic Field ( B ), shown in Red cancels out and would be seen as a flat line with no Amplitude, however I have shown the Magnetic Field with Amplitude so one can see the Magnetic Wave forms are equal and opposite, only one difference is that they travel in opposite Directions.

This is compared to the standard wave:



The Electric Field ( E ) doubles as a result of the two waves, equal in Amplitude, and travelling in opposite directions, and some math says its more than double, that it is actually the Square of the Magnetic Field strength.

We also see more proof of this in our replications of: The Mr Preva Experiment, showing the Electric Field doubles, or the Current doubles.




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Marathonman posted this 04 September 2018

I hate to be a party pooper but that is exactly how a Cyclotron works,

have you increased your Kinetic energy today.



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Chris posted this 04 September 2018

Hi P, 

I think you missed the fact that a changing Magnetic Field IS an Electric Field? 

From Sir Richard Feynman, the worlds greatest Physicist:


P, I have to ask, have you used another name, specifically: Milehigh?


p75213 posted this 04 September 2018

From the video Principles of Particle Acceleration "Electric fields are used to accelerate particles by increasing their momentum. Magnetic fields deflect them from their original direction"

motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field

"So, does the magnetic force cause circular motion? Magnetic force is always perpendicular to velocity, so that it does no work on the charged particle. The particle’s kinetic energy and speed thus remain constant. The direction of motion is affected, but not the speed. This is typical of uniform circular motion. The simplest case occurs when a charged particle moves perpendicular to a uniform B-field, such as shown in. (If this takes place in a vacuum, the magnetic field is the dominant factor determining the motion. ) Here, the magnetic force (Lorentz force) supplies the centripetal force"


A cyclotron accelerates charged particles outwards from the center along a spiral path. The particles are held to a spiral trajectory by a static magnetic field and accelerated by a rapidly varying (radio frequency) electric field.

I'm not trying to be a smartarse here, but everything I have read and watched leads me to believe that particle acceleration is via the electric field. This doesn't take away from the fact that particle acceleration is taking place.



Chris posted this 03 September 2018

@All following,

I perhaps need to clarify a few things:

We know an Electric Current is defined as 6.24 x 1024 Electrons per second, moving past Pt0. This quantity is One Coulomb of Charge. We know that an Electron is a Negatively Charged Particle,  each Electron having 1.602 x 10-19 Coulombs of Charge. The symbol for the Coulomb is: ( C )

At this stage we have satisfied two fundamental requirements for Particle Acceleration, we have:

  1. Charged Particles.
  2. The Charged Particles have Velocity, of: 6.24 x 1024 Electrons per second, moving past point Pt0.


Charged Particles in motion constitute a Magnetic Field, B which is Orthogonal to E, the Electric Field. They are the same things viewed from a different observational perspective! We must not forget, we have this entire situation twice, 2x fold which is Partnered Output Coils!

  1. Coil one has Current moving to the left, Coil two has Current moving to the right...
  2. Coil one has a Magnetic Field Vector Inwards, Coil two has a Magnetic Field Vector inwards...


Thus, the very definition of a Particle Accelerator has been for-filled and on the bench we now have the most simple form of a Particle Accelerator that I know of. Its been around for more than 100 years and very few people have ever picked up this basic fact!

I urge all following, do your own research, cross reference what I have told you, study and learn for your selves, find the truth for your self, learn from the experts:


I ask you, don't to take my word for it, I would prefer you come to your own conclusions! Learning the truth has never been so satisfying! Not a single view on the video since I posted it.


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Marathonman posted this 03 September 2018

Actually Maxwell had that equation when Lorentz was 8 years old and i have wondered why Lorentz got the credit for it.

YES, the Maxwell/Lorentz force hard at work.

Very good post Chris.



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Chris posted this 03 September 2018

Hi P,

Please see our thread on The Lorentz Force:

Any and all Charged Particles, that are free to move, in the presence of Electromagnetic Fields, are subject to a Force, the Lorentz Force. Of course a "motion" is required to start this process away, but once started, this effect can be seen on the bench! 

CRT's use this effect, Magnetron's Particle Accelerators, Science is pretty up to date on these simple techniques.






I hope this helps some!


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p75213 posted this 03 September 2018

@All readers,

Today, we commonly see four Forces in the Fundamental Interactions.

  • Strong Force
  • Weak Force
  • Electromagnetic Force
  • Gravitational Force


Of course we are specifically focusing on the Electromagnetic Force. The only force we have at our disposal to interact with the Universe at a Subatomic level.

Partnered Output Coils use Magnetic Interactions, specifically, Magnetomotive Force, M.M.F, to Force Current, via the Lorentz Force, down an Insulated Copper Wire. This Current we would never see normally, it is Free Current. The best base Experiment to show this effect is The Mr Preva Experiment.

For this to occur a Voltage potential must first be produced. A basic analogy, 10 Volts applied across 10 Turns, would Induce 50 Volts across 50 Turns, an increase in Voltage Potential of: 5 times.

Note: It is the Magnetic Field Interactions that gives rise to an excess in Electrical Energy!



Hi Chris,

 I am confused about the following statement "Partnered Output Coils use Magnetic Interactions, specifically, Magnetomotive Force, M.M.F, to Force Current, via the Lorentz Force, down an Insulated Copper Wire."

I am wondering how the lorentz force could force current down a wire as it acts at 90 degrees to the current.

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Chris posted this 08 May 2018

Hey Jack,

I also find the graphical representation helpful, they are good videos.

I am not sure on the Electron, I have a few ideas but I just do not know enough to say for sure.

@All readers:

In saying this, covered in part above, what we measure as a Waveform has more than one part. There is always two sides: Light/Dark, Matter/Antimatter, Push/Pull...

We see an effect in the Coil that must be seen from two angles:

We count everything below the Green Waveform as Current in this case. From Zero ( 0 ) to the peak Amplitude at time ( t ).

We completely ignore whats above the Green Waveform. What is above the Green Waveform?

The answer is the Magnetic Field, this is what the Current Creates, a Transformation, a storage phase, a Flow of Electrons, Transforms into a Magnetic Field.

At the completion of the storage phase, turn off, the Magnetic Energy is released and the Coil is expose to Electromagnetic Induction and as a result produces an E.M.F, this, if a Load is connected, a Current Could Flow, which is the Decay Phase we see, the ramping Down.

NOTE: The Decay Phase is identical, but in reverse to the storage phase, if the decay phase were to be flipped vertically, the storage and decay phases would be identical. 

NOTE: A DC to DC Converter uses this exact concept and good Converters are around 98% efficient.

I think it is important we think of Dualities where everything we do, has an equal and opposite pair, as pointed out above, Light/Dark, Good/Bad, Up/Down...


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Jagau posted this 08 May 2018

Excellent Chris, very good video to understand.

I like the 2 videos of youtube on time and off time, wonderful image that also confirms that the maximum of energy as much as off time is maximun at the center of the coil.


If Free Electrons are Accelerated and more Electrons Liberated from the Binding Forces in the Atom, then they can Increase the Rate of Kinetic Energy.

What do you think of Don Smith's expression that tells us that electrons exist in the form of a doublet?
Does it sound like what Paul Dirac said in the 1933s that the electron has a positron that he called antimatter reverse-polarity electrons?


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Chris posted this 07 May 2018

My Friends,

I want to share a post that caught my eye else where:

How does an INDUCTOR work? Why is its behavior so counter-intuitive? Compared to CAPACITORs?

Although CAPACITORs are very intuitive to understand ( I = CdV/dT ), inductors are almost never even taught in circuits classes, although, they are equally useful and irreplaceable circuit elements (if not MORE). The fundamentals are almost identical. Whatever you are thinking about VOLTAGE in C , think the same actions in CURRENT in L ( I=LdI/dt ). As far as energy storage, same thing : 1/2 CV2 vs. 1/2 LI2. Can't be more similar.

But yet, in circuits education, inductors are treated as the bad kid that nobody likes, nobody cares about, and nobody understands. Can the reason be that,

a) it is very easy for humans to conceptualize ELECTRONS ACCUMULATING to store energy, rather than, ELECTRONS TURNING INTO MAGNETIC ENERGY TO STORE ENERGY ? ... or ,

b) the fact that, when you store electrons in a capacitor, ignoring leakage, they will stay there FOREVER, whereas, the INDUCTOR cannot stop the current flow, so, the magnetic energy will have to be immediately dissipated, otherwise, the voltage will reach a million volts until something pops on the circuit board. Is it possible that, this "unstoppable continuity" making the inductor difficult to conceptualize ? ... or ,

c) the inductor is bulky, and difficult to make ? This is why the circuits education went the least resistance path of teaching (no pun intended) and chose the capacitors ?

Research Gate

Reading the above thread, there is a lot of very intuitive answers! There is one answer I want to focus on here:

it really isn't that difficult if you can comprehend what a MAGNETIC FIELD is ...

I think, our education system ignores the importance of MAGNETIC FIELDs early on in high school, which makes it difficult to comprehend the inductor later at undergrad ...

If you think of it like a capacitor, where energy is STORED, you won't be able to explain it. When you change the DeltaI in an inductor, the magnetic field is created which is the TENDENCY TO KEEP THAT CURRENT FLOWING. When you stop pumping current into the inductor, it wants to keep that current going. This is how you STORE energy in an inductor.

Since the energy is stored in a capacitor using an ELECTRON, it is natural human tendency to think, energy is stored an an inductor via a different particle like MAGNETRON , but, it is really the same electron storing the energy, this time in a different mode of operation.

To summarize, if you apply an electric field on an electron, you elevate it to a different POTENTIAL (i.e., Voltage), thereby STORING ENERGY. .

if you create a magnetic field with an electron by changing its flow rate (i.e., current), they have the tendency to stay flowing in the same NEW RATE, thereby STORING energy.

Tolga Soyata - University at Albany, The State University of New York


NOTE: A detailed study of why Inductors have a "TENDENCY TO KEEP THAT CURRENT FLOWING" gives rise to a new and fantastic possibilities! 

First we see a Charge Time:


The Voltage is applied across the Coil, the Current ramps up as shown previously:


The Voltage is switched off and we see the Decay Phase, this is where we see the Inductor: has a "TENDENCY TO KEEP THAT CURRENT FLOWING", the equation is: I=LdI/dt 

So, the Electrons in the Wire want to keep moving at off time, but we are not supplying any Electrons into the Circuit!

Like the Magnet in the Copper Tube experiment, we see the Change of Magnetic Field falling down the Pipe, creates a Voltage and the Current can then flow, but the Voltage is very small and the Current very High, this is because the Impedance is very low, for maximum Current Flow.

The same is true of the Decay Phase, we see the Magnetic Field Collapsing:


The magnetic Field decaying in Time is keeping the Voltage, or the E.M.F, or the Potential High. We see the same in the Mr Preva experiment but because we have a lot more Stress, more Current can Flow, we are Accelerating and also Liberating Electrons from the orbitals.

Opposing Magnetic Fields "Generate" Electrical Energy just like the Amber Rod has Electrons removed, becoming positively Charged, by rubbing Cat Fur on the Amber Rod, we are displacing Electrons, Current can then Flow to balance the Charge Difference, 

Today, we know how to Amplify Current, the goal is to Amplify it further! I = V / R is how this is done!


Chris posted this 04 May 2018

My Friends,

Changing Magnetic Fields Act on Charged Particles. The very basis on much of our Science today!

In my Thread: Reduced Impedance Effect, I show how a Coil can dramatically change the Time ( t ), taken to charge to maximum Magnetic Field for the applied Voltage. Normally, where we would see a Charge and Discharge Current like so:  


Charge Equations:

Discharge Equations:


We go from normal Charge Current:


to a dramatically faster Charge Current:


When the Magnetic Field of each coil opposes each other, there is a Reduced Impedance Effect. This is entirely dependant on the Magnetic Field Strength. As a Transformer can burn out is the Transformer is pushed into Saturation, the Coils loosing all their Self-Inductance, allowing huge Currents to flow Unimpeded, Partnered Output Coils also exhibit the same characteristic. 

If Free Electrons are Accelerated and more Electrons Liberated from the Binding Forces in the Atom, then they can Increase the Rate of Kinetic Energy. We see an Increase, or an Amplification in Electrical Current! The Mr Preva Experiment and also my Thread: Some Coils Buck and some Coils DONT, show this effect.

We have seen before, this very fast swing, exactly as I have shown:

The Green Waveform, the very fast transition from Positive to Negative, Shown here again, in solid Blue, but a little easier to see the very fast change:

At this point, marked, the Coil completely flips polarity. Also, important to note, the Amplitude is very much greater on the Negative half of the cycle. By approximately twice.So, How would one achieve twice the amplitude? 


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Chris posted this 01 May 2018

To Pump, is to create Stress, or Pressure:

An electrical generator is in the true sense not a generator. It creates nothing. Electricity is not made by the generator, it is merely captured or pumped.

T. H. Moray - The sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats


The Thread, Asymmetrical Regauging shows the importance of this Pump Action:

  • The Potential ( Voltage ) is bought up.
  • Work is done, dissipating the gained Potential. Kinetic Energy: Electrons moving, Current..
  • The process if repeated.

This is Regauging, doing it Asymmetrically is important, this is the Rate at which Energy can be Gained!

The above Image is from: Here


The Ramp down is the Current Phase, work is being done here! This is a critical phase, but can only occur if there is a Potential for this Current to Flow, which must be created first! As stated above.

Exactly the same fundamental process as the Magnet Falling through the Copper Tube:


Graham Gunderson shows this process:


  • Sharp, short Voltage Spike, is the Potential being bought up.
  • The Triangle Wave, ramping down, this is the Magnetic Field,


The magnetic Field, or the Current, which is Equal and Opposite on each Coil, which is fundamentally, a Lenz's Law Effect, the Equal and Opposite Magnetomotive Forces creating a Stress, between the two Partnered Output Coils, this I have shown many many times now.

Please see the Concepts, not anything else, there is a very good reason I have done what I have done. This will become clear later on. 


In a mechanical system, the greater the inertia the greater the tendency of the body to keep in motion once it is set in motion. In an electrical circuit, the greater the inductance with resistance cut to a minimum, the greater the tendency of the electrical energy (current) to continue to flow once it is started.



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onepower posted this 01 May 2018

Now your starting to see the big picture.

It is important to understand there are not different kinds of electricity there is only one kind which relates to negative and positive charged particle/fields and charge imbalance. However the properties they exhibit change with the charge density or potential. The only difference between the effects seen from a AA battery and the effects seen from rubbing a glass rod with silk is the potential difference they can produce. We could say that with a change in charge density comes a change in properties and the effects they produce.

In fact I read one patent which claimed free energy where the inventor had lined the stator of his generator with rabbit fur. Now what do you suppose he was trying to accomplish rubbing rabbit fur across copper windings at high speed?... contact electrification I would think.

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Chris posted this 01 May 2018

 My Friends,

Onepower is 100% correct!


The act of Pushing, or Pulling, a different angle, on doing the same thing, moving an object.

The goal is to build an Active Element, meaning turn your Coils into a Source, a supply of Current, don't Drive them!

Bring about the ability for the Coils to supply more and more Current! A Source, they are effectively your Battery! Or your Electrical 'Generator', in the true sense of the word.

In the electrostatics Thread we saw, rubbing a Glass Rod with Silk creates a net Negative Charge on the Glass, it Add's Electrons to the Glass, giving the Glass a greater Negative Charge than Positive, this is Charge Separation at the Base level.

This Rubbing, only creates a Potential and nothing more! It does not Create a Current, that's why its Static, the Charge can be stored, static.

Your Coils Require a Charge Separation, a Potential Difference on the terminals, before any Current can Flow. This is the exact same thing as rubbing the Glass with silk, separate charge, now we have the Potential, for Current to flow, Electrons flying down the Wire! Electrons in Motion, Kinetic Energy!

Learn the Concepts before judging the outcome, as an Experiment has more to give other than just Numbers!


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onepower posted this 30 April 2018


What is a battery but another form of electron pump?. They tell me a battery works because of "chemistry" which is another word for alchemy but I see neither in it. I see molecules having a specific geometry which give and receive particle/fields between themselves which creates a charge/field imbalance  ... I see no chemistry. To make progress one must cast off all superficial contrivance and see things for what they truly are not what others tell us we are supposed to see... we can see for ourselves.

In truth your battery simply creates a field bias compelling free electrons to move towards the negative pole. Likewise if we have moved electrons towards the negative pole there must be a deficit of electrons at the positive pole which defines it as such. As we can see we have altered the internal geometry of matter which they call chemistry creating by-products in the process and this is not the way my friends.

It begs the question... what is the way?, and I can point you in the right direction. Moray did not create by-products which in themselves would require an equivalent amount of energy to transform them back to their original state. Moray's battery was not a transformer of matter however it could create the field bias required to move electrons and this motion constituting our electron current.

If not why then how?, where is our impetus which could cause something to move, the kinetic?... our bias?. Moray's battery would use oxidized metal plates the oxide layer performing the same function as the band gap found in every solar cell. His series or substrate of oxidized metal plates followed the tribo-electric series. Do you see?, each layer creates an electric field bias or impetus in itself and the moment an electron moves within the gradient of force it finds itself within another. Layer upon layer, force upon force, field gradient upon field gradient and it is compelled to move at the slightest disturbance... the oscillation.

We could ask... what is it then?. Why it is nothing more than a permanent dielectric with a uni-direction predetermined periodic bias in one direction due to any form of oscillation. It is nothing more than a glorified check valve acting on the proper scale in which most never thought to question. Many called this artifact of cause and effect Maxwell's demon however I suspect it is no demon... quite the opposite.

You cannot judge a book by it's cover, that was never the intent of the authors nor the story we follow... it is much more than that.

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Zanzal posted this 30 April 2018

In my opinion this is our guide to understanding the universe and is required reading. Tesla and many others were okay but men like T.H. Moray, Viktor Schauberger and Walter Russell laid the groundwork for a universal understanding.


I agree, the book does a great job of making the case of looking at energy as being something all around us to figure out new and more inventive ways of harnessing. Not that we shouldn't ask the question, can I make my battery power my load so efficiently that I don't even need the battery? That's my personal desire but its not the only discovery that one could make. Harnessing that 4-500000 coulombs of charge under my feet, capturing cosmic rays, rectifying heat into electricity. There are so many opportunities we can look for that we will only discover IF we look.

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Zanzal posted this 30 April 2018

Hey Zanzal,

I have not been able to simulate, however, with the right application and the time, with the right params, I think it would be possible.


I understand the disconnect now. After running many simulations I realize I was looking at the problem from the wrong side of things. I made a better simulation to fully examine the problem from 3 different angles and that led me to understand my simulation was not overunity. This simulation better illustrates the idea: Step Down Problem

What I saw initially was that I performed a transformation that was 600% more efficient than a comparable passive solution. That observation is not incorrect, but rather it omits a material fact that my passive solution I was comparing it too was simply 1000% inefficient. Stepping down voltage and stepping up voltage both incur a cost. I can lower cost depending on how I approach the problem I can do things really poorly, or I can do it very efficiently. But no well known transformation strategy will result in a net gain from one voltage level to another. [I still believe the secret is out there, but its not found in the equation R^2 < 4L/C as far as I can determine.]

So anyway I've learned something incredible useful, just not something that any experienced person didn't already understand intuitively or otherwise. It certainly does raise some other questions like, would I even recognize overunity if I saw it?

Note: My percentages are all ballpark relative to the baseline comparison using a 12.8V battery.. Even than simulation is not 100% efficient and wastes about 40% of the power....Efficiency is not an absolute thing.. its very much relative.

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Wistiti posted this 30 April 2018

Guys, you are really awesome!

Thank you!

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Marathonman posted this 30 April 2018

I wholeheartedly agree and very good post by the way onepower and Chris. it is quite possibly the entire reason trolls and shill disrupt threads is because of the lack of or misunderstanding that our ENTIRE UNIVERSE is a perpetual motion machine and thus living in the wheel work of said machine our perception of it's existence is quite distorted looking from inside out. it is the same as fish, they do not see water as water because they live in it. it is their normal life and breath looking from inside out.

Since the first day i was introduced to the Figuera device or plainly a set of bucking coils i knew i was on to something. using two bucking primers to increase the kinetic energies available to the secondaries with out loading the primers in the first place thus reducing the primers to just that of the IR2 losses.  there is no destruction of energies, just the movement from one form to another thus the universe recycles it's energies from one form to another in an never ending cycle, a constant cyclic motion from one dimension to another with the introduction of currant flow in the cyclic process.

we are literally living in the sea of energies just like the fish that do nothing but eat and breath not knowing the reality of things. those people that know not of it's existence will remain just that,  a fish, while others like ourselves will continue to evolve and grow and become the pioneers to construct the vessel to explore the vast Universe of energy.

The sea of energy in which our vessel does float.



onepower posted this 30 April 2018

T. H. Moray - the Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats.

In my opinion this is our guide to understanding the universe and is required reading. Tesla and many others were okay but men like T.H. Moray, Viktor Schauberger and Walter Russell laid the groundwork for a universal understanding.

It's all in the premise and connecting all the right dots... the concept. Our foundation is the fact that everything in the universe is in perpetual motion on every scale. There is no need to debate this fact and whenever anyone tells us something may be a perpetual motion machine we should ask them, can you give me even one example of something which is not in perpetual motion?.... they cannot. Perpetual motion, the kinetic, is the universal norm and not an exception to any rule.

In this respect it is not a simple matter of believing, it is a matter of understanding and knowing. When we look at something, anything, anywhere it is to be understood that every part of that thing present is in perpetual motion. In time it becomes normal to us and our perspective will change.

In time we may begin to see "The Paradox". We see 99% of people have literally no comprehension of what Energy is nor the fact everything including themselves are immersed in it... they are not our concern. We see those who so desperately want Energy but will not or cannot accept reality for what it is... it is kinetic in nature, it is perpetual and it is everywhere.

As Moray said--"Matter is susceptible to motion. The media is susceptible to stress. All atoms appertain either to matter or energy, and continually pass from one to the other, thus introducing kinetic energy. There at its very foundation matter consists of electrical charges which govern the very motion of celestial bodies".

As such the proper perspective is not to simply build another hopeless circuit or device but an energy receiver. The entire premise, the concept must revolve around disturbing the equilibrium or balance of the Electro-Magnetic system and then listening for a response. If the response is stronger we are moving in the right direction and if not we need to re-think what we are doing.

Chris posted this 30 April 2018

T. H. Moray also goes on to state:

There can be no "production" of current electricity, there will be no kinetic energy if there is no disturbance of equilibrium, that is to say change of potential of energy level. 


Another quote to help understand exactly what is being said.

Its all there, its a case of connecting the dots, with real engineerable Science! Leaving the Oompa Loompa Science, that has crept into this field, behind would greatly benefit those that wish to move forward!


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Chris posted this 30 April 2018

My Friends,

I ask you, in Light of the information in this Thread and preceding Threads, please take time to ponder this quote:

In reference to electrons, neutrons, protons, photons, and ions, etc., it is our theory in using these terms that they are the energy of the universe, which have become disassociated here and there, and these innumerable infinitesimal particles constitute (by forces they exert and the disturbances they originate) the substratum of what our senses terms as matter, and by nature splitting matter the energy of the universe is born and matter "reborn."

Matter is susceptible to motion. The media is susceptible to stress. All atoms appertain either to matter or energy, and continually pass from one to the other, thus introducing kinetic energy. There at its very foundation matter consists of electrical charges which govern the very motion of celestial bodies — including radioactive radiations of energy and matter. The evolution of matter and the evolution of energy. 

T. H. Moray - the Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats.


When you understand this quote, you will truly understand how Energy Machines work that produce much grater Output than Input!


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Chris posted this 30 April 2018

@All readers,

Today, we commonly see four Forces in the Fundamental Interactions.

  • Strong Force
  • Weak Force
  • Electromagnetic Force
  • Gravitational Force


Of course we are specifically focusing on the Electromagnetic Force. The only force we have at our disposal to interact with the Universe at a Subatomic level.

Partnered Output Coils use Magnetic Interactions, specifically, Magnetomotive Force, M.M.F, to Force Current, via the Lorentz Force, down an Insulated Copper Wire. This Current we would never see normally, it is Free Current. The best base Experiment to show this effect is The Mr Preva Experiment.

For this to occur a Voltage potential must first be produced. A basic analogy, 10 Volts applied across 10 Turns, would Induce 50 Volts across 50 Turns, an increase in Voltage Potential of: 5 times.

Note: It is the Magnetic Field Interactions that gives rise to an excess in Electrical Energy!


Chris posted this 30 April 2018

Hey Zanzal,

I have not been able to simulate, however, with the right application and the time, with the right params, I think it would be possible.


Zanzal posted this 29 April 2018

You're welcome Chris, here is one you might like: Partnered Output Coil Version

Its not been modified to reflect reality (that is I didn't verify that one), but if you decide to perform the test and see how well reality matches the simulation. Just change the component values to reflect what you are actually using and if all goes well it may even work as simulated.

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Chris posted this 29 April 2018

Hey Zanzal,

That is completely awesome! Thanks for sharing!

I am going to have to study a little further, my Electronics skills are not as good as yours. Wish I knew more, not yet focused enough on the Electronics side enough. I only know enough to get by.

Awesome Simulation, thanks for sharing!


@Onepower, I have gone through and started an Electrostatics Thread. Hope you have a little time to correct me where I make mistakes!

Thanks Guys! This is really starting to get good now! The interesting bits are here!

We truly are Light Years ahead of all other Forums!


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Zanzal posted this 29 April 2018

As was said by Mr T. H. Moray:

 In an electrical circuit, the greater the inductance with resistance cut to a minimum, the greater the tendency of the electrical energy (current) to continue to flow once it is started.


Hey Chris,

I can provide a practical example to help illustrate what Moray was speaking about for those here who don't understand what he's saying. I was quite surprised by what I found in the Moray writings and that quote I chose in one of my previous posts mentioned the oscillations induced by a capacitive-inductive discharge continuing until dissipated. Losing that kinetic energy is not a required thing. We could waste that energy and allow the oscillations or we can design a circuit so that the kinetic energy is put to use. Here we add two diodes and rather than the energy being reflected back it charges a destination capacitor. And it does so with such great efficiency that even a skeptic would have to take a moment to consider.

Here is my simulation: Capacitive-Inductive Inertia Recapture

Note: This simulation started in the browser, moved to the breadboard, and then the data from the actual results was used to enhance the accuracy of the simulation to make it spot-on. So this simulation reflects reality!

Here the first switch is a push button which is used to charge the 982nF capacitor to 140V. It just so happens that's how much I could charge my capacitor using my charging circuit. The third switch is closed allowing current to begin flowing. Watch the simulation and take note of what happens when the discharging capacitor has run out of energy... Its a beautiful thing to watch.

Data: The end result is approximately a 0.43V charge on a 2350uH capacitor from a 140V charge on a 982nF capacitor. If one is not impressed they should consider, the 982nF capacitor started with 137.5uC of charge and the charged capacitor ended up with 1011uC of charge. Further more, my test setup had one more diode than was optimal for this type of design (I had 3 like the simulation but only two are required). Although I could test for cap ESR and resistance on the inductor I couldn't directly calculate the resistance loss from the three diodes, but through trial and error I found that adding 165 ohms of resistance to the simulated circuit brought it in line with reality. My guess is that reducing one of the diodes would have improved results but I didn't confirm it.

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Chris posted this 28 April 2018

Hi Onepower - Thanks for the resources!

Perhaps we should dedicate a Thread for Electro / Magneto Statics?

I think this subject has a lot that needs to be covered! The Maxwell equations and why they all equate to Zero for example.


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onepower posted this 28 April 2018

The best resource I have found on the net for understanding electricity can be found here... and

As Mr.Beaty points out most people not only use the wrong terms but also use the terms they know out of context. I cannot say enough good things about his common sense approach and more so explaining everything in simple terms everyone can understand.

Here is part of the lecture on supposedly "static" electricity...

"Static electricity" is not electricity which is static and unmoving. Neither is it a form of energy. Actually, the thing we call Static electricity is an imbalance. It's an imbalance in the amounts of positive and negative charges found within the surface of an object. Only the imbalance between opposite charges is important, and their motion or "static-ness" is irrelevant. For example, the imbalance can flow along as an electric current, yet it loses none of its familiar "static electrical" properties. While the charge is flowing it still crackles, glows, and attracts dust and lint. But how can we have "static" electricity that flows along? "Motionless motion?!" The answer is simple. "Static electricity" is actually about the charge-imbalance, and it has nothing to do with charges at rest. "Static electricity" was misnamed.

OK, then what exactly is "static" electricity? Here's a big clue. There's always a strong e-field (electric field) surrounding these charges, and the field is there whether the charges are moving or still. This strong field is the main feature of so-called "static" electricity. But what's an e-field? One way to say it: an e-field is like a magnetic field, but it's electrical in nature. Another simple answer: an electric field is a voltage without a current. Whenever you have pure voltage, then you have a pure electric field with no magnetism involved: you have "electrostatics" without "magneto-statics."

Here's still another way to say it:

"Static Electricity" is not unmoving, it really means "High-voltage Electricity."

Chris posted this 28 April 2018

@All readers:

The way we Humans think of Current, or invoking Current, the Flow of Electrons in an Insulated Copper Conductor, is flawed.

Rushing at a task with the biggest possible Hammer, the Brute Force approach, is a flawed Approach!

Take for example, the Magnet in the Copper Tube Experiment:


What are we observing?

  • The Copper Tube represents a single Turn ( N = 1 ), of very large gauge Copper Wire.
  • The Single Turn ( N = 1 ) is a Short Circuit, representing Maximum possible Current Flow.
  • Placing the Magnet into a position above the Copper Tube is the only work required by us, to Start the Machine.
  • Gravity acting on the Magnet is the Secondary Source Force, pushing the magnet Downward.
  • The Copper Tube, because Current is Flowing, is the Tertiary Source Force, the Friction if you will.
  • Each Source Force has Opposite Direction and equal Magnitude, dissipation allows the magnet to Fall at a slowed rate!
  • Notice we have put Zero Current into this system, its an Action Reaction and Counter-Reaction process!
    • Action:
      • Place the Magnet, then drop it.
    • Reaction:
      • Gravity adds Velocity, downward to the Magnet. A Changing Magnetic Field in Time.
    • Counter-Reaction:
      • The Copper Tube Counter-Reacts with an Opposing Force slowing the Rate at which the magnet Falls. Also a Changing Magnetic Field in Time.
  • The Rate at which the magnet falls is the regulated rate of Current flowing to the Force applied Downward.
  • The Current in the System is not determined by Us Cranking a Handle! We apply Zero Force!

We could use this set of observations to learn from. Applying a Potential to a System could be deemed as "Action" Process. For example, we place the Magnet into a position where the Potential for the Magnet to Fall can occur. This process can be very efficient!

The Reaction would be Loading a Coil and drawing a Current, this being the Magnetic Field Changing in Time!

The Counter-Reaction would be switching in our Copper Tube, e.g; another Coil and Drawing a Current, again this being the Magnetic Field Changing in Time!

As you can see, the Current in the System is not about us cranking a Handle! It is entirely dependant on the Magnetic Field Strength, the Rate at which they Change and the Natural dissipation of the System.

As was said by Mr T. H. Moray:

 In an electrical circuit, the greater the inductance with resistance cut to a minimum, the greater the tendency of the electrical energy (current) to continue to flow once it is started.




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Chris posted this 28 April 2018

Today, for some, the will to learn and evolve is just too strong, for others, not so...


Already covered in this Thread, and again for simplicity.

Evidence provides a push for understanding. One of the three things given, your Mind, can do with this evidence what you will. After all, reality, our Universe, a Bubbling Calderon of continual exchanges, and our understanding of it, gives rise to the very machine you are reading this text from now!


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Chris posted this 27 April 2018


Onepower - You are exactly correct!


@All Readers:

The so called Parasitic Inductance problem is Natures Natural response to Universal Balance and the Inverse Square Law is Natures way of bringing Balance to Force at a Distance! The Direction and Magnitude of a Force is always restricted, a Friction if you will, by a Force with Opposite Direction and equal Magnitude, at least for the Electromagnetic Force.


The Space between each Source Force is a polarised medium, oppositely, from each Source separated in Space, this polarisation is instantaneous, changing in time with the change in Force.

If the Force is shifted, meaning if the Response of the Force is redirected, in this polarised space, then we have the ability to Shield the Response back on the Source, or originating Force!

My Experiment shows this exact situation, we have, if you will, shielded the originating Source, the originating Source is not affected, and at the same time we can use this Tertiary Source Force as a new Source that we would other wise have not had!

Effectively, my Pendulum swings freely, but I still have Currents Flowing!

Lenz's Law, a Forced Response, to Natures, Will to Balance, or to bring Equilibrium to, Force.


The Primary Source's Magnetic Field Lines do not ever cross the Conductive Windings of the Secondary Source, and the opposite is true: The Secondary Source's Magnetic Field Lines do not ever cross the Conductive Windings of the Primary Source!  There is a defined Boundary, at least from all experiments to date.

This boundary is the difference in Polarisation of the space between the two different Source Forces.

While it may sound like we are getting off topic, these interactions are very Important to understand! For the Electrons, that Flow, in the Conductor, Insulated Copper Wire, are the Magnetomotive Force that is at the heart of the originating Source Force! Kinetic Energy, Electrons having Mass, Forced to Accelerate. The System is Regauging between States, or Oscillating.


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Chris posted this 27 April 2018

Sorry guys I am not here to debunk anything just to release my gut feeling about this witch is I think it is bogus ! Meaning the atom and electrons as remember it is only a THEORY !? As NO BRANCH OF SCIENCE HAS EVER EXPLAINED STATIC FORCE !? ; ) 

Hey Tesletic,

Electrostatics and Electrodynamics differ simply because a single key factor, this being Time ( t ). A very famous man once said:

The easiest circumstance to treat is one in which nothing depends on the time—called the static case.

Many say Electrostatics is incomplete, and they are correct in saying so, most do not know what parts are in complete. Now you know what completes the equation from Electrostatics to Electrodynamics.

It is true, however, we do still have a general incompleteness to both fields, neither is complete, but we do have a good baseline to build on!

Time is the Energy Domain, all Energy resides in the Time Domain, for what we see as an Energy Transformation today, may very well be seen as an Energy Transformation again Tomorrow! That is, of course, if we had the ability to tag and track individual Transformations and observe the complete Transformations from one second to the next!

Nature is our Teacher, the best Teacher makes their students think for themselves, I quote on my website: "only three of the creations as is given, matter force and mind" - Mind, one of the three creations given, astounding isn't it!


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onepower posted this 27 April 2018


Quote: "We have gone one step further, we have Load Balanced Loop, or more commonly known as Feed Back and Feed Forward to account for the damping problem. An old technique, resurrected and re-purposed."

I also use similar techniques and it is important to see the big picture.

Suppose we have a single current loop and we say the energy present in any form is uniformly distributed over our loop. Now we take a second loop which is said to be induced by the first and produces an induced current through mutual induction. This would seem to be normal to most until we introduce more advanced concepts...the concept is everything.

We should understand in order for the above to happen a partial current having a partial energy must be present in every given section of the first loop. Induction energy must also be present in the space between said loops at any given instant in time, energy in translation. Now we could theorize of what might happen if we removed a section of the first loop having a partial energy while energy was already in translation and inserted the first section into the second loop.

We now have two discrete transformations present, a first partial conductor which carries a partial energy with it as a conduction current now present in the second loop and the energy from the first loop in translation to the second loop. Now we could ask a question... if the induction energy is said to be in translation in between the first loop and the second how would it know part of the first loop is now in the second?.

Reason would suggest the energy in translation is fundamentally different than the condition or qualities which created said energy due to the transformation.

Never underestimate the inherent value of a good thought experiment.



TESLETIC posted this 27 April 2018

Sorry guys I am not here to debunk anything just to release my gut feeling about this witch is I think it is bogus ! Meaning the atom and electrons as remember it is only a THEORY !? As NO BRANCH OF SCIENCE HAS EVER EXPLAINED STATIC FORCE !? ; )

Chris posted this 27 April 2018

 Hey Zanzal,

I went a little far, not meant to confuse, apologies.

Basically, what I refer to as a 'Load Balanced Loop' is the Counter Balancing of, what we could call the Damping Forces, which in our case is the Loading of the Magnetic Field moving in the System, meaning, the fact I have shown Zero Lenz's Reflection on the Source. Of course Damping is more than this, being Resistance and so on, but you get the idea.

I will create a thread on this in the near future! It will become much clearer soon.

Awesome Simulation Zanzal! Thank you for sharing!


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Zanzal posted this 27 April 2018

We have gone one step further, we have Load Balanced Loop, or more commonly known as Feed Back and Feed Forward to account for the damping problem. An old technique, resurrected and re-purposed.

Hey Chris, 

Can you elaborate is this something important we should understand? (I don't know what you are referring too.)

As the potential is bought up, the potential for Current to flow, there exists, an open Door, where Energy over Time can be increased well beyond the determined Rate. The machine is forced to respond, the Flow of Electrons, Current. 

This Door opens further as the Potential is increased.

Very simple, we expend very little to bring Potential Up, The System is forced to respond, Current Flow results.

Yep and the proof for this is found in the equation for capacitor joules, C/2*V^2 where C is the capacitance and V is voltage. The potential energy is greatly enhanced by an increase in voltage, not so much by an increase in capacitance, yet if you use a 220V source to charge a 100uF capacitor to 200V while at the same time through a separate path you charge 2200uF capacitor you will see that when your 100uF capacitor has 200V your 2200uF capacitor has 22.9V. 

The difference in potential energy is enormous with the 100uF far exceeding the 2200uF, but guess which one used more electricity? The 2200uF used many times more power over the same time period because as the 100uF quickly approached the source voltage it charged slower using less power.

Here is a simulation in case anyone would like to see this: Capacitor Charging Simulation


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Chris posted this 26 April 2018

@Onepower - Mechanical also applied to Atomic, or Lattice Resonance.


The Damping of Resonance must be accounted for. Today we really only know of Frequency / Duty Cycle adjustment, commonly known as a PLL Circuit, Phase Locked Loop Circuit, to account for the Change in applied Load.

Resonance is very easily lost, as it is further Damped. This I know you already know.

We have gone one step further, we have Load Balanced Loop, or more commonly known as Feed Back and Feed Forward to account for the damping problem. An old technique, resurrected and re-purposed.

As the potential is bought up, the potential for Current to flow, there exists, an open Door, where Energy over Time can be increased well beyond the determined Rate. The machine is forced to respond, the Flow of Electrons, Current. 

This Door opens further as the Potential is increased.

Very simple, we expend very little to bring Potential Up, The System is forced to respond, Current Flow results. As Mr Moray stated:

Electricity is vibrations. Substance is a vibrating medium. All substances are really combinations of one primordial substance i.e. vibrations. Electrons in motion go to constitute an electric current. What electricity is to matter, so is electric force to common mechanical force, and electrical inertia to mechanical inertia. By inertia, we mean the ratio of force to acceleration. 

Force, the ability to do work: Gravity Pump ( Zero User Input ) COP = ∞


Water Force, gravity, runs the above machine indefinitely, until failure or Water loss. 

Electrical "Generators" work the same way, the Lorentz Force is the Force that Pumps Electrons, and the Lorentz Force is a controllable Magnetic Force.

The electrical prime mover, the socalled electric generator or the Moray energy oscillator all have the same scientific facts.

T. H. Moray - P.31 The Sea of Energy in which the Earth floats.

We truly are Light Years ahead of all other forums!



P.S: Another outstanding Post Thank You!

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Chris posted this 26 April 2018

Energy, Nature's Powerhouse:

The term Science has taken, to "Generate" Energy truly is violating the Conservation of Energy! Energy can not be Created or Destroyed!

I have said before, Sub Atomic Particles pop in and out of existence, a debate rages now changing the terminology, sub atomic particles are now localised or delocalised. Truly, the particle is either there or it is not! 

It is commonly known, and makes sense, that an Atom goes through a change when, an Electron is lost.


Important Note: We do not see the disappearance of Mass over Time, we actually have evidence to say over Time Mass gains Mass, gets bigger!

Electrons are gained, in the following process:



Science will not tell you where the Free Electron comes from, they refuse to give detail on how this Electron just Popped into Existence! Remember Conservation of Energy, Energy can not be Created nor destroyed!

Important Note: Atoms, Mass containing Atoms, with Electrons, have been in existence for many Billions of Years according to Science! The Atom just keeps Spinning along! A continual exchange of Energy, Gains and Losses, never Imploding or Exploding! Sustained, perpetually!

When a Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino collide, they lack charge to form an Electron, science passes this by, and they say it cant occur. However, the Atom itself has a Net Charge greater, either negative or positive, Electrostatics states Charge must balance...

In reverse, Electrons Decay, called Beta Decay, into a Neutrino and Anti-Neutrino Pair and emit a Photon at the same time. So where has billions of years of lost Electrons gone?


We are One with Our Symbiotic Universe!

The above video, gives an answer to the appearance of a Free Electron. 

As Onepower kindly pointed out, everything Morph's, it transforms into one or another, Energy never lost, Energy never Gained, only ever Transformed. Humanity's ability to access the Electron, to bring about a Current, a flow of Electrons, is to access the Subatomic processes of Universal Balance!

Truly, there is no such thing as "Generation" there is only Transformation!


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onepower posted this 26 April 2018

On increasing kinetic energy there are many simple experiments one can perform which relate to Moray's energy within oscillations. 

In one experiment we can use an iron core coil attached to an oscilloscope and a permanent magnet. If we move the magnet past the coil we see a slow sine wave which most are familiar with. In fact we can move the permanent magnet past our coil in any number of ways and the result is generally always the same. From this one might assume there is nothing new we can learn here however this is not always the case.

Now if we place the permanent magnet on our bench and lower the coil with it's iron core from above so the magnet jumps to the core something different happens.We see a rise in potential as the magnet approaches the coil core as expected and when the magnet strikes the coil face we see a spike in potential then a long series or train of oscillations independent of the external motion of the magnet itself.

Something so simple, a moment in time at our bench when a coil of wire wrapped around an iron core and a magnet does something we did not expect. One could then ask where did these extra oscillations come from?, where did the energy to sustain these independent trains of oscillations come from?. In retrospect we find the magnetic field is inseparable from the physical material which carries the magnetic field. As such if the physical material oscillates within itself in this case as a standing pressure wave in the metal lattice then so must the magnetic field. As above so below...

We could also note these independent oscillations running into many kilohertz have no direct relationship with the physical motion of the magnet itself as a whole. We assumed a direct relationship was present and always applied however as we can see this is not always the case. it would seem the phenomena in question relates more to sound waves or vibrations within the material itself rather than simply whirling magnets past coils of wire. I suspect Moray used similar phenomena within his devices which would explain why so few could understand the principal of operation.


Jagau posted this 26 April 2018

Hey onepower

you are the master thought for me today.

''a fish in the middle of an ocean that dies of thirst''

It meets exactly what I already said in a previous post.I would like to quote one of those who have managed to connect to the immense energy that emerges around us

'' look what emerges from the 408 mhz through our galaxy ''

For those who have the opportunity to verify this I can tell you that it is not only at this frequency that energy is available.

Thank you to this site to express yourself freely!


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Chris posted this 26 April 2018

GG is that you?

Hello and welcome Onepower!


I would agree there must be mechanical equivalency, as above so below, if our notions of forces, flows and the conservation of things are to hold true. In fact we were taught all particles and there associated fields are in perpetual motion which we call thermo(thermos,theme,heat)dynamics(dynamis,power).Thus if reason must prevail then everything everywhere we know must inherently be in perpetual motion as a norm.

 Agreed, we know this to be true! Clearly you are a man of the same mind as I!


 "...and considering the constant tendency of the mind to rest on an assumption, and, when it answers every present purpose, to forget that it is an assumption, we ought to remember that it, in such cases, becomes a prejudice, and inevitably interferes, more or less, with clearsighted judgment.", Michael Faraday.

Truly Humanitys most dangerous mindset, assumptions! When one is sure of something, even when it may not be, we must still remain open to new possibilities! Experiment opens doors, doors lead to new possibilities!


As Moray implied, simply pumping electrons around in closed loops as is our tendency in no way implies an act of "generation" or normalcy. Generation implies the production of something, production a transformation, transformation a change in form. Aristotle's term for form(forma) was to morphe from one characteristic to another. 

Again, I agree, wise men, wise quotes! Today we say we measure Current, a specified Rate of Electrons, where the Terminal Voltage Difference, is supposed to define the Current Flow. Yes if we move Electrons, leaving Holes, what must fill these Holes?

Transformation or the ability for a formation of one to another, as you point out, morphe, is apparent throuout Nature!


Thus we come full truly generate is to transform and not to pump electrons around in closed loops. To generate is to transform the inherent motion latent within matter as field oscillations into coherent motion through the coordination of forces within matter which as Tesla implied is induced through external agents... ie radiant energy. Radiant energy from a trillion galaxies each filled with trillions of stars and each star not unlike our own Sun supposedly radiating more energy in one minute than all of mankind has utilized in it's entire existence.

For the reasons of simplicity, Science, and ability for others to easily learn, I have not used terms that leave open definitions, at least where possible. We do however have Energy throughout all space and all Time, for Time is the domain of Energy! Space is the medium for Time to traverse!

Our observations of coherency in unified Charge rates may well be entirely wrong, as a one dimensional ruler is not ideal for two dimensional space. We are bound by our ability to observe what we are able, and to learn where we can. No matter, what we know today, tomorrow could lead us to new and fantastic observations!


Energy crisis?... I see no energy crisis I see a failure to understand the fact we are floating in a sea of energy. Not unlike a fish in the middle of an ocean dying of thirst. It would seem to me the crisis is that very few understand what energy is. 

For well over 100 years we have been told, a select few listened, passing the baton on, as understanding was not achieved, while some may have had had some success along the way.

Any and all Crises, are a manufactured conundrum, a cash machine, for the System, where a select few always benefit, always!

Energy is abundant, Life is abundant, Air is abundant, Water abundant, Abundance is the opportunity for control. Then Crisis leaves room for profit! 

It is true, the people must take this abundance and stop Control of it, the only way for this to occur is to Learn, Build and Pay it Forward! We must have majority of people able to share this abundance! Paid for their time, but not greedy as to attempt to create Crisis, not again!

A great post, thank you Onepower!


Chris posted this 26 April 2018

Hey MM,

I am still holding Mr Figurea's Quote very high also!

PRINCIPLE OF THE INVENTION - Watching closely what happens in a Dynamo in motion, is that the turns of the induced circuit approaches and moves away from the magnetic centers of the inductor magnet or electromagnets, and those turns, while spinning, go through sections of the magnetic field of different power, because, while this has its maximum attraction in the center of the core of each electromagnet, this action will weaken as the induced is separated from the center of the electromagnet, to increase again, when the induced is approaching the center of another electromagnet with opposite sign to the first one.


Because we all know that the effects that are manifested when a closed circuit approaches and moves away from a magnetic center are the same as when, this circuit being still and motionless, the magnetic field is increased and reduced in intensity; since any variation , occurring in the flow traversing a circuit is producing electrical induced current .It was considered the possibility of building a machine that would work, not in the principle of movement, as do the current dynamos, but using the principle of increase and decrease, this is the variation of the power of the magnetic field, or the electrical current which produces it.


The voltage from the total current of the current dynamos is the sum of partial induced currents born in each one of the turns of the induced. Therefore it matters little to these induced currents if they were obtained by the turning of the induced, or by the variation of the magnetic flux that runs through them; but in the first case, a greater source of mechanical work than obtained electricity is required, and in the second case, the force necessary to achieve the variation of flux is so insignificant that it can be derived without any inconvenience, from the one supplied by the machine. Until the present no machine based on this principle has been applied yet to the production of large electrical currents, and which among other advantages, has suppressed any necessity for motion and therefore the force needed to produce it.


The indepth study of the Generator was also undertaken by Gabriel Kron, the inventor of the Network Analyzer. Most everyone knows this already.


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onepower posted this 26 April 2018

Quote: 'Electrons in motion go to constitute an electric current. What electricity is to matter, so is electric force to common mechanical force, and electrical inertia to mechanical inertia. By inertia, we mean the ratio of force to acceleration"

I would agree there must be mechanical equivalency, as above so below, if our notions of forces, flows and the conservation of things are to hold true. In fact we were taught all particles and there associated fields are in perpetual motion which we call thermo(thermos,theme,heat)dynamics(dynamis,power).Thus if reason must prevail then everything everywhere we know must inherently be in perpetual motion as a norm.

 "...and considering the constant tendency of the mind to rest on an assumption, and, when it answers every present purpose, to forget that it is an assumption, we ought to remember that it, in such cases, becomes a prejudice, and inevitably interferes, more or less, with clearsighted judgment.", Michael Faraday.

As Moray implied, simply pumping electrons around in closed loops as is our tendency in no way implies an act of "generation" or normalcy. Generation implies the production of something, production a transformation, transformation a change in form. Aristotle's term for form(forma) was to morphe from one characteristic to another. 

Thus we come full truly generate is to transform and not to pump electrons around in closed loops. To generate is to transform the inherent motion latent within matter as field oscillations into coherent motion through the coordination of forces within matter which as Tesla implied is induced through external agents... ie radiant energy. Radiant energy from a trillion galaxies each filled with trillions of stars and each star not unlike our own Sun supposedly radiating more energy in one minute than all of mankind has utilized in it's entire existence.

Energy crisis?... I see no energy crisis I see a failure to understand the fact we are floating in a sea of energy. Not unlike a fish in the middle of an ocean dying of thirst. It would seem to me the crisis is that very few understand what energy is. 



Marathonman posted this 26 April 2018

well put.


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Chris posted this 26 April 2018

The following quote I have missed until now:

The electrical prime mover, the socalled electric generator or the Moray energy oscillator all have the same scientific facts.

T. H. Moray - P.31 The Sea of Energy in which the Earth floats.


and now it has become one of my favourites! Logic, common sense, and it is exactly the same as I have said for so many years!

When one truly knows how to "Generate" electrical Energy, one will realise that the common Electrical "Generator" is far from complete!

To Pump Electrons, they must be put under a Stress, a Force, Bucking Magnetic Fields do exactly this! Potentials can be increased!

Open this door, more and more, and one will realise no unity boundary Exists!

The only boundary you are limited to are the boundaries you allow yourselves to be limited by! Push every Boundary!


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What is a Scalar:

In physics, scalars are physical quantities that are unaffected by changes to a vector space basis. Scalars are often accompanied by units of measurement, as in "10 cm". Examples of scalar quantities are mass, distance, charge, volume, time, speed, and the magnitude of physical vectors in general.

You need to forget the Non-Sense that some spout with out knowing the actual Definition of the word Scalar! Some people talk absolute Bull Sh*t!

The pressure P in the formula P = pgh, pgh is a scalar that tells you the amount of this squashing force per unit area in a fluid.

A Scalar, having both direction and magnitude, can be anything! The Magnetic Field, a Charge moving, yet some Numb Nuts think it means Magic Science!

Message from God:

Hello my children. This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. You have found creation's secret. Now share it peacefully with the world.

Ref: Message from God written inside the Human Genome

God be in my head, and in my thinking.

God be in my eyes, and in my looking.

God be in my mouth, and in my speaking.

Oh, God be in my heart, and in my understanding.

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More than anything else, your contributions to this forum are most important! We are trying to actively get all visitors involved, but we do only have a few main contributors, which are very much appreciated! If you would like to see more pages with more detailed experiments and answers, perhaps a contribution of another type maybe possible:

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Weeks High Earners:
The great Nikola Tesla:

Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason. It has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who drives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians, and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain; if kinetic - and this we know it is for certain - then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.

Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency (February 1892).
