AVISO's overunity repulsion force, 87 Joules for throw up 1Kg coil to 10 m height

  • Last Post 14 September 2017
alohalaoha posted this 13 July 2017

Ребята вот сижу и думаю что у Авизо блок встречных катушек по типу Купера, как у  МR.PREVA и трансформаторе СМП Теслы-Николаеваа. Провод алюминий-медь, как у Герона. Очень вероятно дифференциальное усиление сверх силы отталкивания ССO на счет СМП Теслы-Николаеваа и все это с ускоряющим напряжением 2 x 3.73кВ по блоку. Авизо в видео сам предемонстрировал опыт , в котором он подкидывает катушку массой в 1Кг на высоту 10м , но при этом энергии на одно подкидывание он затрачивает 87дж. По словам Авизо он разряжал емкость заряженную до напряжения 7,5КВ т.е. 2 x 3.73кВ на блок катушек, и в результате получался аномальный выход энергии в виде очень мощного кинетического импульса, который получала свободно улетающая катушка.

Авизо канал на трубе

Авизо БТГ-МЕГ КВт на 1.

class="bbc_link" href="http://peswiki.com/directory:ismael-aviso-self-charging-electric-car" target="_blank">http://peswiki.com/directory:ismael-aviso-self-charging-electric-car






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alohalaoha posted this 13 July 2017

Ребята вот вам переведены видеоролики Измаэля Ависо на русский язык. Автор переведа - странник With.

Ismael Aviso_1_6 перевод

Ismael Aviso 2_6 переведено

Aviso self charging motor 3 of 6 принцып Тесла перевод

Aviso self charging motor 4 of 6 об IGBT переведено

Aviso self charging motor 5 of 6 Evgray перевод

Aviso Self charging motor 6 of 6 EVgray перевод

Исмаил Авизо на радио интервью -1_переведено

ismael interview part 2 переведено

Ismael Aviso Tech Ambient extraction basic principles part 1 / 3

Ismael Aviso Tech Ambient extraction basic principles part 2 / 3

Isamel Aviso Tech Ambient extraction basic principles part 3 / 3

Ismael Aviso Repelling Force Technology

Aviso Electric car tested by DOST DOE feb 24 2011

Ismael Aviso electric car TV broadcast
Ismael Aviso cars secret 1 / 3

Ismael Aviso cars secret 2 / 3
Ismael Aviso cars secret 3 / 3

20110310-The projects of Ismael Aviso

Ismael Aviso Repelling Force Technology

Aviso Big BREAKTHROUGH to run a big AC motor part 1

Aviso motor Big BREAKTHROUGH run BIG AC motor part 2


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perro555 posted this 14 September 2017

One of the secrets of aviso's self sustaining car is the collection of a spike right at the height of the wave with capacitors; I think he was using some kind of transistor called "IGBD", he mentioned that this transistor was very expensive, again one more point for Chris's "timing" is of most importance!!

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You need to forget the Non-Sense that some spout with out knowing the actual Definition of the word Scalar! Some people talk absolute Bull Sh*t!

The pressure P in the formula P = pgh, pgh is a scalar that tells you the amount of this squashing force per unit area in a fluid.

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Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason. It has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who drives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians, and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static, our hopes are in vain; if kinetic - and this we know it is for certain - then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.

Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency (February 1892).
